Too busy to tackle the to-do list for your home?

Do you feel like you don’t get to everything you need to in a day? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Trying to keep up with all your household maintenance is a full time job itself. And that’s before we think about all the other obligations a homeowner can have in just a single day.


It can affect our self esteem when we feel we aren’t living up to obligations. But don’t fret. At Golden Home Management, we understand that homeownership requires a lot of attention, something not everyone can give all the time. If you’re too busy to tackle your outstanding to-do list, here are some things you can use to make it all go smoothly.

The average week of Americans 

Each week, Americans spend approx. 6-7 hours on average cleaning and straightening up their homes every week. These numbers can reach up to 14 hours per week when tasks such as laundry, lawn care, and recycling are included.


That doesn’t include other household chores such as childcare, pet care, and cooking and cleaning. Considering that the average full-time employee works an average of 36.2 hours per work, we see that time for household maintenance becomes more precious and valuable.


5 tips to tackle home to-do list 

Prioritize tasks

Figure out what tasks are more urgent or important, and prioritize those. You may not be able to clear everything out, but knowing you tackled one-or-two high-priority tasks can give you the boost you need.


Set achievable goals

Figure out what you can do and when and stick to it. Setting achievable maintenance goals can help you feel like you’re making progress, rather than failing to meet expectations.


Delegate tasks

Put your household to work. Match tasks to your family’s capabilities and you can make it a family affair. By spreading out the tasks, you take pressure off of yourself to get everything done.


Create a schedule

With your goals and tasks prioritized, set them to a workable schedule and stick to it. Making it a habit can hack your brain to better tackle the task when it arrives.


Celebrate your wins

When you finish a task that’s been outstanding, celebrate it. You were able to stick to your plan and follow through. Reward yourself and your family for a job well done.


But what if there’s no time?

We can hear you now. “The above is nice, but I just don’t have any time to devote to my to-do list.” And we get it. The tips are nice to have, but some of you may just be too swamped to give a to-do list any attention.


That’s where we can come in. At Golden Home Management, we understand that sometimes you just need help to tackle that list, especially larger maintenance needs such as HVAC repair, electrical and plumbing needs. That’s why our Monthly Maintenance Plan is specifically designed to connect you to a huge community network of vendors and partners who can tackle your maintenance needs at a wallet-friendly price. If you’re too busy, Golden Home Management can be your home maintenance partner.


All it takes is one phone call to schedule your FREE home assessment.




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