What Happens If You Have a Leak In Your Roof or Walls?

Roofs and wall interiors can be scary places for homeowners because problems can sit without us knowing. By the time we notice a problem, it could have been around for some time. Today, we want to talk about what can happen if you have a leak in your roof and/or walls and how you can protect your home in the long run.

Common causes of a leaky roof

Unfortunately, the older the roof, the more common roof leaks are. We don’t spend a lot of time on the roofs of our homes, so problems can go by unnoticed if we’re not careful. Some common causes of roof leaks include:


●      Loose roof nails

●      Damaged or loose roof shingles

●      Cracks in and around chimneys

●      Old or poorly constructed skylights

●      Hail damage

●      Tree branch damage

Dangers of leaky roofs and siding

Even something as small-damage can have huge effects on the structural quality of your home. Here are just some of the kinds of dangers you could face with leaky roofs and walls.


Damaged ceilings & attics

A leaky roof means water is going to first get into your ceilings and your attic. This can cause cosmetic problems such as dark or yellow-colored water stains, peeling or bubbling paint or cracks. More serious problems could cause your ceilings to sag.


Insulation damage

If water gets into your attic, it can really mess up your insulation. Wet insulation can clump, making it harder to keep your warm or cool air inside your home.


Mold & mildew

If water damage is left unattended, mold and mildew can grow in your roof and walls. The mold spores can then move through your HVAC system, causing harm to people with immunocompromised systems, allergies, and asthma.


Sagging drywall

When drywall gets wet it can sag, buckle or even fall apart, leading to serious structural damage to the interior of your home.


Fire hazards

In the event of water getting into walls and ceilings, it can interact with your home’s electrical systems. This can create sparking wires, which can start fires if left unchecked.


Slip hazards

Leaks can drip into the living spaces of your home, causing puddles where you can slip and seriously injure yourself.


Compromised structure

A leaky roof and walls can also affect other structures of your home including your floors, lighting fixtures, furniture, exterior trims and rafters.


How to spot damage in your roof

If you suspect your roof has leaks in it, or has been damaged in any way, you can head up to your attic with a flashlight. You’ll want to look for wet patches, holes, mold, mildew, or light coming through any punctures.


How to spot damage to your siding


After a strong rain that blows into the side of your home, look at that wall the wind was blowing into to look for bulging walls or yellow discolorations. Those are clear signs your siding has a leak.

What to do if you spot water damage

The immediate thing is to call a repair contractor right away. Remember, by the time you see it, it’s probably a bigger problem requiring extra help.

Members of Golden Home Management have access to our network of licensed and experienced contractors who can tackle any home maintenance needs that may arise. And our Monthly Maintenance Plan ensures that your home is always getting the attention it deserves – your monthly visit from your Home Coordinator will include visual inspections of your home, looking for any changes from the previous month. Contact us todayto schedule your FREE home assessment.


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