How Much Energy Does Changing Your Ceiling Fan Direction Save?

When was the last time you remembered to switch the direction of your ceiling fan during the winter? Here in Texas, we mostly use our ceiling fans to stay cooler during hot weather, but they can be useful during the colder months as well. The exact energy savings depends on a number of factors including the size of the room, and the efficiency of your ceiling fan. That being said, utilizing ceiling fans in the appropriate seasons can contribute to noticeable energy efficiency and cost savings over time. The rule of thumb is using your ceiling fans save you approximately 12% on your energy costs year round. It costs about $0.36 per hour to run your HVAC and $0.01 to run a fan.


Counterclockwise for the Summertime

In the summer, you want your ceiling fan to run in a counterclockwise direction when looking up at it. The direction of the blades causes the fan to force air downward when turning this direction. It helps keep the cool air circulating which makes the room feel cooler, and reduces the strain on your HVAC system.


The airflow can make you feel comfortable at a higher thermostat setting which reduces the demand on the power grid, as well as your monthly bill. Savings can vary, but it's estimated that using a ceiling fan can allow you to set your thermostat about 4 degrees higher without reducing comfort.


Clockwise in the Winter

For the winter switch the direction of your ceiling fans to run in a clockwise direction. This creates an updraft that redistributes warm air that naturally rises to the ceiling back down into the living space. This can be particularly beneficial in rooms with high ceilings.


The energy savings in winter primarily come from the improved distribution of heated air. This can allow you to lower your thermostat slightly while still maintaining a comfortable temperature. The estimated savings can vary, but using a ceiling fan in winter might allow you to lower your thermostat by 2 to 4 degrees, resulting in heating cost savings.


A General Guide to Ceiling Fan Use

·      Invest in energy-efficient ceiling fans with the ENERGY STAR label. These fans are designed to meet strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

·      Remember to turn off fans when you leave a room to maximize energy savings. Ceiling fans make you feel cooler in summer (and warmer in winter), but don’t actually reduce the temperature, so there’s no need to leave them on when you’re not using them.

·      Be sure that your ceiling fans are an appropriate size for the room. A fan that is too small won't effectively circulate air, and one that is too large may create unnecessary drag and noise.

·      Ceiling fans are most effective when used in conjunction with air conditioning or heating systems. They enhance comfort and allow you to adjust thermostat settings for energy savings.


Changing the direction of your ceiling fan can indeed save energy and contribute to increased comfort in different seasons. Keep your ceiling fan in good working condition by cleaning the blades regularly and tightening any loose screws. Well-maintained fans operate more efficiently. Golden Home Management can help with that. We have a database of vetted professionals to handle all kinds of maintenance tasks. Reach out to us to schedule a free assessment and find out how we can save you time and money when managing your home.



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