7 signs of faulty electrical wiring in your Austin home

Nationwide, home electrical fires account for an estimated 51,000 fires each year, nearly 500 deaths and more than 1,400 injuries. Of these, 28,000 home fires are believed to have been started by arcing failures. As homeowners, it’s important to be aware of any warning signs of electrical failure or faulty wiring in your home. Here are 7 signs of faulty wiring that you can look out for to protect yourself, your family and your home.

7 signs of faulty electrical wiring

Dimming / flickering lights

If your lights are dimming or flickering, that could point to a couple of problems like circuit overload, outdated or loose connections, incorrect bulb use or even faulty appliances. Homeowners may brush off flickering lights as something minor, but if you notice them, you may need to call an electrician.



Most appliances should run quietly. It’s not a good sign if you can hear your outlet buzzing. This can be caused by loose connections, breaker issues or improper installation. While not immediately dangerous, the problem could create problems such as light flickering, blown fuses or warm outlets, which could cause house fires down the line.


Strange odors

New electronics may produce a smell at first. But if odd smells keep happening from your outlet, then unplug any appliances connected to it immediately. This can happen to wires that are too small to handle the electrical load they’re connected to. In that instance, the plastics and heat-resistance chemicals used can emit the fishy-like smell you notice.



An immediate problem that can have multiple causes. Small, blue sparks, for example, are more normal. If your outlet is sparking constantly, that may be a sign of a deeper issue. Orange, yellow, or red sparks, however, are more serious and might be caused by things like loose wiring, water/moisture damage, or worn-out circuits. If you see these kinds of sparks, don’t try to solve it yourself. It should be handled by a professional electrician.


Frequently blown fuses/circuits

If your circuit trips here and there, that’s fine. That’s what they’re designed to do—trip whenever the system is overloaded. However, if your circuit is tripping multiple times a month from a single outlet, that’s a sign of a deeper electrical issue.


Hot outlets

Appliances can often get out when in use. However, your outlets should never get hot.


Fix faulty electrical wiring with Golden Home Management

Don’t let faulty wiring, bad electrical systems or dangerous outlets endanger your home or your family. When you partner with Golden Home Management, our Monthly Maintenance Plan can tackle any outstanding electrical issues you may come across. Why wait until a problem presents itself? Contact us today to schedule a FREE home assessment. Our Home Coordinator will make note of all outstanding repair needs and start working on the perfect plan to keep your home in perfect condition.


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